Top 5 BackupBuddy Alternatives for Backing Up Your WordPress Site

As a WordPress website owner, ensuring your website is always backed up is an essential part of website maintenance. Backing up your website regularly ensures that you always have a copy of your website’s content, data, and files. In case of a website hack or server crash, you can restore your website from the backup.

BackupBuddy is a popular backup plugin for WordPress sites, but it’s not the only option available. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 BackupBuddy alternatives for backing up your WordPress site.


When it comes to WordPress backup plugins, BackupBuddy is a popular option among website owners. However, it’s not the only option available. There are other alternatives that offer similar features and benefits.

In this article, we will discuss the top 5 BackupBuddy alternatives for backing up your WordPress site. We will compare their features and benefits, so you can choose the best option for your website.

What to Look for in a WordPress Backup Plugin

Before we dive into the top BackupBuddy alternatives, it’s essential to understand what to look for in a WordPress backup plugin.

First and foremost, you need a backup plugin that’s easy to use and offers scheduling options. It should allow you to schedule backups on a regular basis, so you don’t have to remember to do it manually.

Secondly, you want a plugin that allows you to store backups in different locations. This is crucial because if your website and backup files are stored in the same location, you risk losing both in case of a server crash or hack.

Lastly, you want a plugin that offers easy restoration options. In case of a website crash, you want to be able to restore your website from the backup quickly.

Top 5 BackupBuddy Alternatives

Let’s now discuss the top 5 BackupBuddy alternatives for backing up your WordPress site.

1. UpdraftPlus

UpdraftPlus is a popular WordPress backup plugin that’s easy to use and offers various backup options. It allows you to schedule backups on a regular basis and store them in multiple locations, including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3.

Additionally, UpdraftPlus offers easy restoration options. You can restore your website from a backup with just a few clicks. UpdraftPlus also has a premium version that offers additional features like incremental backups and database encryption.


2. Jetpack Vaultpress Backup

Jetpack VaultPress Backup is a popular WordPress plugin that offers various features, including website backups. It’s easy to use and allows you to schedule backups on a regular basis. You can also store your backups in the cloud, including Amazon S3.

Jetpack VaultPress Backup offers easy restoration options, and you can restore your website from a backup with just a few clicks. Jetpack VaultPress Backup is a premium plugin that offers additional features like daily malware scanning and automated security fixes.


3. Duplicator

Duplicator offers easy restoration options, and you can restore your website from a backup using its migration feature. With Duplicator, you can easily move your WordPress site from one location to another, including from a local development environment to a live server.

Duplicator also offers a premium version that provides additional features like multisite support, scheduled backups, and cloud storage options.


4. BackWPup

BackWPup is a popular WordPress backup plugin that offers various backup options. It’s easy to use and allows you to schedule backups on a regular basis. You can store your backups in various locations, including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3.

BackWPup offers easy restoration options, and you can restore your website from a backup using its restore wizard. BackWPup also has a premium version that provides additional features like website optimization and priority support.


5. WPvivid Backup Plugin

WPvivid Backup Plugin is a free and popular WordPress backup plugin that offers various backup options. It’s easy to use and allows you to schedule backups on a regular basis. You can store your backups in various locations, including Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon S3.

WPvivid Backup Plugin offers easy restoration options, and you can restore your website from a backup using its one-click restore feature. WPvivid Backup Plugin also has a premium version that provides additional features like incremental backups, cloud storage options, and website migration.


4. Comparison of Features

Let’s now compare the features of these BackupBuddy alternatives side by side.

Plugin Scheduling Storage Options Restoration Migration Additional Features
UpdraftPlus Yes Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 Easy No Incremental backups, database encryption
Jetpack VaultPress Backup Yes Amazon S3 Easy No Daily malware scanning, security fixes
Duplicator Yes Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 Easy Yes Multisite support, scheduled backups
BackWPup Yes Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 Easy No Website optimization, priority support
WPvivid Backup Plugin Yes Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 Easy Yes Incremental backups, cloud storage options, website migration


Backing up your WordPress site is essential for website maintenance and security. While BackupBuddy is a popular backup plugin, there are other options available that offer similar features and benefits.

In this article, we discussed the top 5 BackupBuddy alternatives for backing up your WordPress site. We compared their features and benefits, so you can choose the best option for your website.

From our analysis, UpdraftPlus is the best BackupBuddy alternative as it offers various backup options, easy restoration, and additional features like incremental backups and database encryption.